Alumni of the Beta Chi Chapter of Kappa Sigma provide support to students with scholarships and funding for projects in the house related to their academic needs. The 6 scholarships and financial support typically amounts to $40,000 to $60,000 per year.
Click on the links below to find out how to apply.
Kappa Sigma Educational Fund Scholarship
Freshmen or Sophomores at MST joining Kappa Sigma. ACT of 28 or above, or top 20% of HS class, or first semester GPA of 3.5 at Missouri S&T. Open 8/1 and closed 2/1.
Award: $1,000 per qualifying student
John Wm. and Camille Ricketts Scholars
Current undergraduate of Kappa Sigma, mechanical engineer, financial need preferred. Open 9/29 and closed 2/1.
Award: ~$2,500 per year
Charles "Charlie" P. Becker Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Current undergraduate of Kappa Sigma, financial need preferred. Open 9/29 and closed 2/1.
Award: ~$2,000 per year
Norman E. Hart Scholarship
Current undergraduate of Kappa Sigma, aerospace engineer, financial need preferred. Open 9/29 and closed 2/1.
Award: ~$2,500 per year
White Columns Scholarship
New Student entering Missouri S&T. Award based on Academics, Scholarship, Leadership or Service. Membership in Kappa Sigma is not required. Applications open all year.
Award: $4,000 per year
Beta Chi Educational Foundation, Kummer Inspiration Fund
Freshman or Sophomore, member of the Beta Chi Chapter of Kappa Sigma in financial need who are either a first or second year undergraduate who has declared a STEM or Business Information Technology major, or are a graduate student pursuing an advanced degree in a STEM or Business Information Technology field.
Must have a current FAFSA application completed with the university and qualify for financial aid. Open 9/29 and closed 2/1.
Award: ~$4,000 per year